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The UTOPIA Dance Academy - Our main aim in creating the UTOPIA experience is to encourage more dancers into the Chill-Out/Blues dance environment. This can often be a daunting prospect for anyone on the periphery, which is why we also run regular UTOPIA Academy workshops and classes to help build confidence.


Workshops are updated on a regular basis and, in addition, many of our freestyle events commence with a specialist dance class. This program of teaching has recently been enhanced by the SILC format introduced in 2015. This style of dance is based on technique and connection. As such it fits perfectly into the format of our events and the music we play.

Smooth Links Workshop

3rd February 2024

1.30pm - 4.30pm

Fieldgate Centre, Kingsclere, RG20 5SQ

It is not necessary to lead complex moves to gain an advanced and stylish look. This workshop teaches you to take moves and fuse them together seamlessly. From a Leaders perspecitve, it gives you the ability to be more creative and unique with your repertoire and Followers will understand the importance of waiting to be led, not pre-empting and understand the concept of blocks and redirection.

This workshop is in the daytime ahead of the evening Twisted freestyle and can be booked as a standalone workshop or as part of the workshop and evening freestyle package. NB: the centre closes between the workshop finish and freestyle opening, however tare are lots of restaurants in Newbury town centre or Basingstoke town centre, which are each around 10 mins away by car.

Workshop cost £30 per head or £35 if booked as a workshop freestyle package

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