The UTOPIA Dance Academy - Our main aim in creating the UTOPIA experience is to encourage more dancers into the Chill-Out/Blues dance environment. This can often be a daunting prospect for anyone on the periphery, which is why we also run regular UTOPIA Academy workshops and classes to help build confidence.
Workshops are updated on a regular basis and, in addition, many of our freestyle events commence with a specialist dance class. This program of teaching has recently been enhanced by the SILC format introduced in 2015. This style of dance is based on technique and connection. As such it fits perfectly into the format of our events and the music we play.
Utopia Style Workshop
19th April 2025 - 1.30pm - 4.30pm
UTOPIA has, for the last 18 years, been a haven for lovers of more expressive music and covers a range of styles of music from funkier, modern R&B to soul and blues. This leads to a style of dance that is all about slotting, frame, dancing in hold, and connection. Whilst it may be different to what you’re used to on the Ceroc dance floor all of the techniques we teach have the benefit of enhancing your dancing at all levels and is similar in style to the SILC syllabus, providing a blend of modern blues fused with WCS style. Complexity of moves is less important, instead we concentrate on bodylines, weight distribution, momentum and flow to give you a range of movements and figures that will help to build your repertoire for when the tempo slows down. In this workshop we will teach 2 UTOPIA style Routines pitched at Intermediate level, each incorporating the key points mentioned above to continually re-iterate and instil the techniques that will give you confidence on the UTOPIA and SILC dance floor; but also progress your dancing overall.